Adventures in Judo

Joined by Sensei Leigh from Pacific, Marigold, Aries, Pailie and I had a great time at Seattle Dojo’s excellent Judo Clinic for Women and Girls.

Seattle Dojo, the oldest Dojo in the US, put on this fantastic Clinic led by Nationally ranked players. It was awesome!!😎

Here we all are with the incomparable Sensei Nadine and Sensei Carol ~ they could not have been more inspiring!

Summer Workout for Girls and Women, 8/13

2022 NW Summer Workout for Girls (8 years & older) and Women.
Saturday, August 13, 2022. 
Bow in at 9:30am, bow out at 2:30pm
1510 S. Washington St., Seattle, WA  98144
Lunch will be provided; please bring your own water bottle  
Please see attached poster for
registration information or go to:
girls workout
Inquiries can be sent to Karen Nagai,