2015 Inland Empire Judo Classic

This is the tournament put on by Pacific judo and it is here in town.
The date is 5/23/2015, the Saturday of Memorial day weekend.
I strongly urge everyone to compete. The travel time is nothing and you have two whole days to recover afterwards.
As I said on Monday, competition is a great way to test what you have learned.
The entry form is here.

The waiver is here.

59th Annual Obukan Judo Shiai & Kata / Onchi Sensei Memorial Tournament

The entry form is here.

We are
honored to announce the 59th Annual Obukan Judo Shiai & Kata / Onchi
Sensei Memorial Tournament

Obukan Judo Dojo

Saturday, April 4, 2015 from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM (PDT)


PCC Cascade Gym

600 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR 97217


Please Register here today: 


Obukan want’s to be your player’s tournament. Making sure it
is fun and exciting experience for the players, coaches, families, referees and
all judo fans!


This year we’re trying some thing different. We are going to
have “Veterans/Masters” go right
before the juniors. Normally these are very small divisions but made up of the
dad’s & mom’s that brining their kids to compete, some coaches who compete,
referee’s that want to compete and some really good seasoned “Veterans/Master”.  We want to let you all go first so the kids
can see your great exciting judo and let you all enjoy the rest of the
tournament with your family and friends!


Along with the “Veterans/Master”,  we will also have Kata division, Juniors, Cadets and Seniors.


Special awards:

1. Best Technique
Award Juniors

2. Best Technique
Award Seniors

3. The Jocelyn Latka
Spirit Award for juniors

4. The Onchi Sensei
Spirit Award – For Coach, Referee, Senior

5. Onchi Scholarship
Award – High School Student award of $500

6. Fukushima Sensei
Kata Award – Spirit of Learning Kata


** Special pre
Tournament bow in performance by en Taiko


We look forward to
seeing you at our 59th tournament on April 4th in
beautiful Portland, Oregon!


Next year is even
bigger as it is our 60th tournament and 90th year since
the first person bowed onto the Obukan tatami. “Obukan 6090” in 2016!



Thank you all for
your fantastic support and participation in our wonderful sport of Judo!!


Gambatte Kudasai!!


Rod Conduragis

Obukan Judo Dojo