Happy New Year

Now that the holidays are over (and all the eating is done) we are ready to get back to practice. Just a reminder to all that practice will be on Wednesday this week and hopefully all of you will be there.
My goal for this year is that more of us participate in competitions and part of that is getting prepared. Tournaments are not won at the tournament, they are won in practice with hard work!
See everyone Wednesday.

5th Annual Spokane Judo Christmas Party

When: Friday, December 9th, 6:00-9:00
Where: Brett, Anna Marie & Lucas’s house, 2502 E 38th AVE

For directions enter your starting address:

We’ll have music, holiday cheer and food…
Please come (even if you have been skipping practice lately)!
We’re providing Pizza, Lasagna & Beverages
Please Bring (pick one and let Anna Marie know or leave a comment)

  • Green salad
  • Side dish (potato salad, macaroni & cheese, pasta…whatever)
  • Bread/Rolls/Chips
  • Dessert
  • Drinks (if you want something besides pop and Capri Suns…)