Battle by the Lake Tournament

All of our competitors did a great job on Saturday – they not only demonstrated judo, but all of them give it their all!

I can only say I am proud to be your Sensei!

1st Place

  • Aries Flores

2nd Place

  • Monica Cheptanari
  • Pailie Flores
  • Marigold Meuer

3rd Place

  • Josh Hernandez
  • Richard Munoz

Other Competitors

It is easy to say that people who didn’t place didn’t do a good job. However, the other people who competed, Stefan Cheptanari, Rylee Vaughn, and Sam Lui all did great – they worked hard and did judo, their fine efforts just did not turn into wins.

There is always the next tournament!

Our Judoka

…we could not be more proud!😊


WHEN: April 22, 2022 – Weigh-ins from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
April 23, 2022— Weigh-ins begin at 7:30 a.m.; Shiai begins at 9:30 a.m. (MST),
WHERE: Canyon Ridge High School Gymnasium, 300 N College Rd W, Twin Falls, ID 83301
More info here.

Battle by the Lake Judo Tournament

Greetings from Lakeland Judo Club,


We would like to formally invite you to our Battle by the Lake I Judo Tournament on April 9, 2022 in Coeur d’Alene, ID.  We are excited to be back on the mat and looking forward to seeing our judo friends and families at a competition setting.  It’s been far too long!


Please find the linked and attached information:  


  1. Tournament Flyer: We would appreciate you printing and/or posting our flyer to help us get the word out.   

  2. Tournament Information Packet:  Our Tournament Information Packet includes all general information regarding the tournament:  sanction,location, remote weigh-in, start time, bracketing, rules, hotel accomodations, etc. You will also find hotlinks to:

    1. Online Registration

    2. Online Payment

    3. Sample Dojo Roster Link

  3. Registration Form:  Our registration process is fully online.  While you can access our registration link via the Tournament Information Packet, this link will also connect you to our online Registration, Waiver, and Payment process.  

  4. Dojo Roster:  Remote weigh-ins only are accepted.  Please have a head sensei conduct weigh-ins between Monday April 4 and Tuesday April 5.  A completed Dojo roster with current weights is due by Midnight April 5, 2022.  

  5. Pre-Registration Form/Survey:  Lakeland Judo wants to provide the best regional tournament environment possible. Our judo community’s return to the sport and competition has been a bit precarious post Covid thereby making the prior predictability of hosting an event questionable.  The information from this survey will help us better prepare for the number of and ages of participants for the best venue set up.  Thank you for taking a moment to answer the following questions.  


Note Regarding Covid-19Effective March 25, 2021, Kootenai County and the Idaho Panhandle Health District voted to rescind the mask mandate.  While facial coverings are not mandated they are encouraged, and safe gathering protocols will be followed for large gatherings.  Adequate sanitation and frequent disinfection of competition areas will be provided for athletes and tournament staff.  Attendees should practice good hand hygiene, cover coughs and sneezes, engage in physical distancing,  stay home if sick if you or any members of your family or team are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms including muscle aches, a fever of 100.4F or greater, cough, sore throat,and/or shortness of breath.


Should you have any additional questions, please contact Jenn at 406-291-1220 or or 


Warm Regards,


Lakeland Judo

Sensei Hayward Nishioka Webinar

Meet one of the best known and beloved Judo icon in US history, Sense Hayward Nishioka, 9th Dan, next Sunday.
Webinar Series: Sensei Hayward Nishioka, 9th Dan
Time: Feb 27, 2022, 01:00 PM to 2:30 PM, Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Webinar
Meeting ID: 838 9862 1003
Passcode: 523772
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,83898621003#,,,,*523772# US (San Jose)
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71st Annual Ore-Ida Judo Tournament

On March 5, there will be the 71st Annual Ore-Ida judo tournament.
Please let me know if you are interested in competing.

Sensei Robert Brink USJF Seminar

Mark your calendars – USJF presents another interview with a Judo icon via Zoom, Sensei Robert Brink, on Sunday, Jan. 23, 1pm Pacific time. Sensei Brink is a Hall of Fame inductee, past USJF President, past NWJY leader, and has held many important and influential positions in US Judo for many, many years. He encourages Judo activity of all kinds and supports organizationally, financially, spiritually.

See you on Sunday, 1/23, via Zoom!

2022 Jan 23 Robert Brink Webinar