Updated Mask Guidance

After a more careful reading of the DOH order, it looks like we all need to wear masks while working out.
The order gives some exceptions to the mask order but it specifically says:
“This exception does not apply while the athlete, coach, or official is not actively engaged in the sporting, coaching, or officiating activity or to indoor gyms and other fitness facilities, such as dance, yoga, and martial arts facilities”

So put on a mask and come and workout (we will be adjusting practice to make this easier).

Updated Mask Policy PLEASE-READ

Spokane Judo community:
As you know, the Department of Health updated the statewide mask policy last week (8/18). It went into effect yesterday (Monday, 8/23).
Here is the link for those wanting to see the Department of Health announcement:
link to DOH Update

The important guideline related to contact sports was an exception to the mask requirement for indoor athletes:

NO MASKS NEEDED FOR “…Athletes who play indoor sports and who are actively engaged in competition or practice (masks are still required on sidelines and in team meetings).”

What does this mean for Spokane Judo?

  1. Until the policy changes, we all must wear masks before practice starts and when practice ends (this includes laying out/picking up mats). NO MASKS NEEDED ON THE MAT ONCE PRACTICE STARTS.
  2. Family members and visitors who are not practicing must also wear masks (kids under 5 do not need to wear masks).
  3. We know this is a hassle.
    Our goal is to stay open. Let’s all work together to avoid being closed down.

    Hopefully this will be over soon.

    Thank you for your help in keeping Spokane Judo open!

Tomorrow is the day!

May 3rd is the day we get back on the mat.
a few things to remember:

  1. Practice is at 6:30.
  2. Adults only for the first week.
  3. We have to wear masks during practice, this is WA state rule!
  4. You must register with the USJF before coming on the mat.
  5. You should get vaccinated, the sooner we are all vaccinated the sooner the mask requirement will go away.

See everyone tomorrow.

Spokane Judo Re-Opening Plans

You need to be current with USJF.

You need to bring proof (digital card/receipt) you are current if you renew after April 30th.

Practice opens Monday, May 3rd – Adults only, practice starts at 6:30.

Practice beginning Monday, May 10th – Kids from 6:30-7:30; Adults only, 7:30-9.

Brett met with Chris from Lilac City Fit Body Boot Camp; Allen talked to James Weed (Newborn Jiu Jitsu). Based on these conversations, here is what we need to do:

  1. Wait in cars or line up outside the building until 6:30.
  2. Masks are required to enter the Dojo. No mask, no entry.
    Regrettably, masks must be worn at all times – even when practicing on the mat.
    Sadly yes, we will practice wearing masks. I know.

    This is in accordance with WA state guidelines and follows James Weed’s practice. WA state guidelines are linked on our site; relevant sections can be found on page 8.
  3. Temperatures will be taken upon entry. People with temps over 100 won’t be admitted.
  4. You will initial an attendance log indicating you have no CoVID symptoms and have not been around sick people. At some point, we’ll have a QR code we can scan.
  5. You’ll hand sanitize upon entering the dojo.
  6. If you can come in your gi, great. You can use the locker room, but only to quickly change (no visiting after practice in the locker room).
  7. After practice we need to wipe down mats with an alcohol solution.

Other matters: Promotions from last spring will be held on Thursday, May 20th.


Email or Call Sensei Brett: 509-995-6434
