Spokane Judo Apparel Again Available

Spokane Judo apparel is all due to the tireless efforts of John Freeman (Myles dad).
Without him we wouldn’t have any clothing.
In John’s words:

Spokane Judo Club currently has our store open until March 10th for club apparel

The very first things that Sensei Brett and I discussed and agreed on, before we did anything with regard to finding a provider for Spokane Judo gear was that:
1) We do things honorably
2) We stay true to the Judo Spirit
3) This is about getting the club’s name out.

Wearing this gear will not change you from Clark Kent to Superman. However, if you ask anyone that wears fight swag of any kind, they will tell you that it will make you more interesting to others, and will introduce you to some very interesting people. You will be surprised how many old Judokas, and other Martial Arts people that are out there. I can say these things from personal experience.
This gear is exclusive to the club. You can go anywhere and buy Nike or any other workout gear, but this is the only place to get Spokane Judo Club Apparel. All of the apparel that we are selling is quality gear, or we wouldn’t be selling it. Our gear is designed to be functional, for both workout, or every day wear.
Currently we are selling:

  • short sleeve shirts
  • long sleeve shirts
  • ¼ zip workout tops
  • full zip workout tops
  • hoodies
  • decals

Everything has the Spokane Judo Club Competition Patch as the symbol. The hoodies, and both styles of shirts have a Maori Proverb written on the back. The competition patch is only given to people after they have competed. However, anyone family or friend can purchase our gear.
All of this is available thru
this link.

Coming soon, stocking caps with Spokane Judo Club embroidered on them.

Reminder: Register for the Tournament

This weekend is the second East Side Tournament in Idaho.
If you are competing (and everyone should) you need to do the following:

  1. You need to register on-line by Wednesday night here..
  2. Print out and complete the entry form and waiver.
    Entry form is here
    Waiver is here.
  3. You need to include a copy of your USJF card with your entry
  4. Bring the completed entry form, waiver, and copy of your USJF card to weigh-in at the club on Thursday evening.
  5. The club will cover the first entry fee. If you are competing in additional divisions, you will need to cover the $20 for the additional division.

The tournament location is:
Timberlake Junior High School
5830 Blackwell Blvd,
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
You should plan on arriving no later than 8:30.
Any questions, feel free to contact me here.

2nd East Side Circuit Tournament

Saturday, January 19, 2019 is the second East Side Circuit tournament. Those of you that competed last time know the value in competition. You get the opportunity to test yourself and your judo against real opponents. Win or lose, you improve your judo and yourself.
I encourage everyone to attend and get out on the mat. All of you have the ability now is the time to put it on the line and see what you need to focus on in the dojo.

This tournament is at:
Timberlake Junior High School
5830 Blackwell Blvd, Spirit Lake
, Idaho 83869

It starts at 9:30 but everyone should come early.
All competitors should register on-line here.

The entry form ishere.

The waiver ishere.
As usual, the club will cover entry fees.

Holiday Party

This Saturday (12/8) is the 12th annual judo holiday party for Spokane Judo. We want everyone to come. If you haven’t been at practice in a while, take this chance to get back in touch. Bring something you want to share with (or unload on (think fruit cake)) other people, just remember we are going to all be on the mat together again.
Info is here.

Holiday Party

This Saturday (12/8) is the 12th annual judo holiday party for Spokane Judo. We want everyone to come. If you haven’t been at practice in a while, take this chance to get back in touch. Bring something you want to share with (or unload on (think fruit cake)) other people, just remember we are going to all be on the mat together again.
Info is here.

The Long Awaited Arrival of Spokane Judo Stickers and Clothing

Update: last weekend to order

Just a reminder that the store will be closing soon. Don’t forget to order. Remember you always need extras!

Original Post

John has worked hard on getting us Spokane Judo clothing and stickers and it is finally ready.
Everyone who has ever wanted to advertise their connection to Spokane Judo now has the chance.
Just go to: the store between now and Nov. 14 and place an order. Your orders will be delivered in early December, just in time for the holidays. So go to the store and order for yourself, your friends, your family, upcoming Christmas parties for people you don’t know…
Just order early and often.
Make sure everyone you know can see your connection to the great sport of judo.
And again, thanks to John for making this happen.

Introductory Judo Referee and Table Help Seminar

This event will be held at our dojo, but it is hosted by Lakeland Judo & Joseki Dojo
When: Sunday November 18, 2018
Time: 8am – 3:30pm
Location: Spokane Judo Club
304 E. 2nd Ave
Spokane, WA 99202

  • Patrick Lo – IJF B (Continental) Referee
  • Leslie Mizuki Continental Coach

At this referee and table help workshop, we will lay the groundwork to get started as a local referee in the Northwest and assist
volunteers in understanding the rules, calls, paperwork and table procedures of a local tournament. Simultaneously, table
volunteers will attend an instructional classroom session reviewing bracketing, referee points and hand calls, and computer scoring.
Both table volunteers and beginning referees will meet together in the afternoon session to simulate a tournament setting with
refereeing, scoring, and bracketing.

3rd Annual Nage No Kata Clinic

Spokane Judo is once again proud to host a Nage No Kata clinic taught by Senseis Mike and Delynn Purcell. This is a great opportunity to begin learning Nage No Kata or to refine your existing mastery of the kata.
We are truly fortunate to have two of the best instructors anywhere offer this clinic.
Sensei Mike Purcell has been teaching kata for forty years, and is a USA Judo
Class A Kata Judge in all seven Kodokan Kata
Sensei Delynn Purcell is a World Master’s Grand Champion, PJU Silver
Medalist, USA National Kata Champion, Fukuda Grand Champion, Kodokan
Certified in Ju no Kata, and a USA Judo Class A Kata Judge in all seven
Kodokan Kata.

This is a one day event on Saturday Nov. 17. Registration starts at 8:30.
If you are interested in attending please email Brett Lewis or call (509)995-6434 to let us know.

The entry form can be downloaded here.
The waiver can be downloaded here.