Joseki Tournament Results

Congratulations to all the Spokane Judo competitors who came out and supported the tournament today.

Name Result
Myles Freeman 1st 13-14 & 2nd 15-16
Miles Lewis 2nd 11-12
Rya Monroe 2nd 9-10
Ryan Ruiz 3rd 9-10
Elaina Gott 3rd 9-10
isla Gott 3nd 9-10
Montana Neal fought 9-10

I was also quite pleased to see the support for Spokane Judo from Allen Monroe and Myles Freeman reffing! John Freeman also was invaluable for his work on the scoring table, and thanks to Cheyenne Neal for warming the kids up (saving the old Senseis).
Thank you all for your participation!

Despite the weather, self defense workshop was great

We had a good turn out last night even though it was miserable out!

I wanted to thank all the Spokane Judo members who came out and supported the club.
Sensei Allen, Rya, Myles Freeman, Chris Mitchell, normal sized Mike Smith, big Mike Smith (the man in the suit), Sensei Oleg, and Sensei Anna Marie.
Particular thanks to Sensei Rich and Sensei John, without their expertise the class wouldn’t have been possible.

The club is only as good as its members and last night the club looked great!

Quick Reminder

Tomorrow is our women’s self defense class so no regular practice. If all the senior members can come and help that would be great. The class starts at 5:30 and ends at 9:00. If you can’t come right at 5:30, come late, we need your help.
Oh, if you know any women to bring, please do!
Thanks and see everyone tomorrow.

Practice at Pacific Judo

Mike Marcella at Pacific Judo has been kind enough to invite anyone from our club to come and practice Tuesday this week.
Their kids practice is at 6:00 and the teens/adult class is at 7:00 at the police academy.
Make sure to bring your USJF/USJA membership card.
Remember that Monday Jan 16 is MLK day so no practice and Wednesday Jan. 18 is our self defense class so this is a great opportunity to get in some practice this week.
The police academy is at :
2302 N Waterworks St. Continue reading “Practice at Pacific Judo”

Center is closed for MLK day

Just a reminder to everyone that the center is closed on Monday Jan. 16 for the MLK holiday. We therefore won’t have practice.
Wednesday, Jan. 18, is our women’s self defense clinic, so there won’t be a regular class that night either. If all the seniors can come on Wednesday at 5:30 to help, that would really be great.
Also, please keep spreading the word on the self defense clinic, Sensei Rich does a great job and the more people we can get to attend the better.

Women’s Self Defense Workshop

Spokane Judo is once again hosting a women’s self defense workshop. As always, we are fortunate to have SGT. Richard Gere as the instructor. Sgt. Gere is a defensive tactics / use of force expert for the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office. He is also a defensive tactics master instructor and certified United States Judo Federation self-defense trainer.

WHEN: Wednesday, Jan. 18, 5:30-9pm
WHERE: The East Central Community Center (500 S. Stone) in Spokane.
COST: $25/person

This is a great opportunity to learn and practice the latest in self-defense tactics. Hope to see you there!
Questions? call Brett Lewis, 509-995-6434.
A flyer for the event is here.

Holiday Party (the day after)

I just wanted to thank everyone who came yesterday to the party. It was great to see people off the mat and have a little time to talk about things other than judo. It was also nice to meet and talk with the non-judo family members. Hopefully we can convince some of them to join us on the mat!
(and don’t forget all the secret judo techniques we covered!)

10th Annual Holiday Party

This years holiday party is coming up fast. We would love to have everyone there. If you haven’t been able to come in a while this is the perfect opportunity to come back!

When: Saturday, 12/17/2016 3:00-6:00

Where: Brett & Anna Marie’s house (2515 E 39th AVE)

What: Judo related discussion, videos, and food (and did I mention the food!). This is a good time to talk up all the times you got that amazing throw that everyone missed. And as a bonus, we will be teaching all of the secret judo techniques to defeat all the people who aren’t there!

We want everyone to come: if you are an active member, we want you; if you haven’t come in a while, we want to see you; members of Pacific, please come; family members and friends, please come.
We will provide some food, if you want to bring something to share, feel free but it isn’t required (unless your are Sensei Oleg who must bring food).

Just some general news

Just a few unrelated things.

First, we have another new member, Adam. Glad to have him on the mat

Second, last weekend was the Continental Crown tournament in Seattle. Allen went as a referee and passed his test to be a national ref! He can now work as a referee at national tournaments. This is a huge benefit to our club as we now have a current and accurate source of information on the latest rule changes. So any questions we have, Allen is the go to guy!

Finally, at the Continental Crown, Myles Freeman took 2nd in two separate divisions. More importantly, he won his first match with an arm bar! There is always something satisfying about making someone tap out.