Holiday Party: The Aftermath

I wanted to thank everyone for coming to the party Saturday. I enjoyed getting a chance to connect with everyone off the mat. We always workout together, but it is nice to let everyone showcase their non-judo personalities.
Now I just need a way to incorporate pushups into the event!

I was also very pleased to get an opportunity to present Elijah Lopez with his much deserved promotion to White/Yellow belt. Hopefully we will see him again at practice soon.

2015 Spokane Judo Holiday Party

Mark your calendars! The date for the 2015 Spokane Judo Holiday party has been selected! The party will be
When: Saturday, 12/12/2015 3:00-6:00

Where: Brett & Anna Marie’s house (2515 E 39th AVE)

What: Judo related discussion, videos, and food. Come and talk about the time you almost threw Sensei Oleg. Or the time you almost arm barred Aleksi!

We would like to see everyone, if you haven’t been to practice in a while, this is the perfect opportunity to come back. If you are just a visitor from Pacific, come and join in. We want everyone and their friends. If you are one of the new people, definitely come.
If you want to bring something to share, feel free but it isn’t required.

Congratulations on their Promotions

  • Orange:

    • Miles Lewis
  • Yellow/Orange:

    • Callista Behm
  • White/Yellow:

    • Elijah Lopez

The testing for promotion is a good way to make sure that everyone has a thinking understanding of the different techniques. Now the practicing needs to be done to transform that “thinking” into “knowing” so you can execute the techniques without needing to slow down and think about what you are doing.