2015 Inland Empire Judo Classic

This is the tournament put on by Pacific judo and it is here in town.
The date is 5/23/2015, the Saturday of Memorial day weekend.
I strongly urge everyone to compete. The travel time is nothing and you have two whole days to recover afterwards.
As I said on Monday, competition is a great way to test what you have learned.
The entry form is here.

The waiver is here.

14th Annual High Mountain Open Judo Championship (McCall Tournament) Results


  • Myles Freeman (11-12 middle wt.)
  • Cassidy Freeman (senior novice light wt.)
  • Anna Marie Medina (senior brown/black light wt.)
  • Aleksi Lee (senior brown/black light wt.)


  • Myles Freeman (13-14 light wt.)
  • Cassidy Freeman (15-16 light wt.)


  • Miles Lewis (9-10 heavy wt.)
  • Allen Monroe (senior brown/black super-heavy wt.)

Everyone had a good number of matches. I was pleased to see people winning with technique.

Congratulations to all who competed. It is truly hard to get out on the mat and fight.

Judo Holiday Party

The long awaited and much anticipated Spokane Judo party is finally here!
When: Saturday, 12/20/2014 3:00-6:00

Where: Brett & Anna Marie’s house (2515 E 39th AVE)

What: Judo related discussion, videos, food, and general bulking up for the new year.

We would like to see everyone, if you haven’t been to practice in a while, this is the perfect opportunity to come back. If you are just a visitor from Pacific, come and join in. We want everyone and their friends.
If you want to bring something to share, feel free but it isn’t required.

Click here for a downloadable flyer with info.

Congratulations to all the 2014 Continental Crown competitors


  • Myles Freeman
  • Cassidy Freeman
  • Brett Lewis


  • Anna Marie Medina
  • Myles Freeman
  • Tim Neal


  • Cassidy Freeman


  • Miles Lewis

Sensei Tim provided the most entertainment of the tournament by napping during his first match!.

Again congratulations to all who competed. It is truly hard to get out on the mat and fight.