Next Champion Tournament 12/16/3023

5 competitors from Spokane Judo showed great technique and excellent persistence at the Athol tournament this past weekend!

Syd showed grit and determination at her very first tournament ~ she managed a pin and a throw, using what she learned. Great persistence Syd!

Q had strong matches and took home bronze in 2 divisions ~ well done Q!

Warren’s tournament performance was marked with a *beautiful* Osoto-gari, truly impressive! He took home silver in 2 divisions ~ fantastic!

Nursultan showed fierce spirit as well, capturing gold and silver in his divisions! Excellent!

Aries likewise fought hard and showed strong technique ~ bringing home 1st and 3rd in her divisions! Awesome!

Warren’s 2 silver medals!
Nursultan’s throw, to the pin, to the win!

Spokane Judo would like to thank the parents, Hal, and Simpai Chris for supporting/coaching the kids so well!

Warm thanks and appreciation to Sensei Jen for creating this outstanding opportunity for our kids!! Gratitude also to Sensei Leigh from Pacific for all her support!

~ if folks have additional photos, please send them on!

Spokane Judo Club Update: Important Announcement

Effective immediately, December 8th, we are unable to hold classes due to our landlord filing for bankruptcy. We are incredibly disappointed by this news and understand the inconvenience it causes our members.

We will update everyone as soon as we have information. In the meantime,
Please help us move mats out of the current space tomorrow, December 9th, at 9:30 AM.

We appreciate your understanding and support. Stay connected for updates through our website and Facebook page.

Thank you for being part of the Spokane Judo Club family.

Upcoming Lakeland Judo Events

From Lakeland Judo:

In an effort to grow judo, Lakeland Judo in Athol, Idaho (just behind Silverwood Theme Park) is offering two introductory events in December in preparation
for our upcoming 2024 tournament season.
On December 2, 2023 we will be offering a referee and rules clinic and table help clinic. This clinic will be taught by Rome Acopan Jr. from the Intermountain
Yudanshakai. This clinic is intended for judoka 13+ and orange+ for the purpose of better understanding the rules as well as developing a Jr. and Sr. Referee
team for the East Side of WA State. Attending Judoka will be given the opportunity to test for their regional referee certification.
On December 16, 2023 we will be offering a smaller two mat tournament focused on developmental competition. We will run two mats for time progression,
but will focus on a more “intimate” and “instructional” design. Our mission is to host a low stress, fun tournament where newer judoka and some more experienced
judoka along with their parents can meet others and learn the systems of a judo tournament with the intensity of upcoming regional and/or national events.
The tournament is open to all ages! My high school program is full of new white belts and my dojo is young in age and rank but growing strong. Both are
excited to meet new judo friends and attend an instructional event with sound, equal competitors.
We hope you are all able to join us. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the events.
Warm Regards
Jenn Schoo-Badertscher
Lakeland Judo
Viking Judo
Introductory Judo Referee Clinic

Next Champion Registration

More information

Introductory Judo Referee Clinic Handout

Next Champion Judo Tournament

Result from Joseki Judo Tournament

Spokane Judo fought hard and showed excellent sportsmanship Saturday!! Grit, determination, and perseverance were clear in all our players ~ Outstanding job judoka, we are so proud of you!! A few pics below…

Misha’s division

This was Misha’s first tournament ~ he attacked multiple times AND tried combinations – great job Misha!

Misha’s large division

Warren’s landed some beautiful throws in his very first tournament ~ Awesome Warren!

Warren’s Division
Warren takes 3rd!!😃

Deven, Jet, and Nursultan all had great matches ~ Deven brought the bronze, Jet’s grit and sportsmanship throughout his matches was recognized, and Nursultan brought home gold at his very first tournament!

The 10-12 year old gang

Aries, Marigold, and Madelina all brought home the hardware Saturday, with Aries and Marigold winning gold and Madelina winning silver!

Robert and Lincoln turned in fantastic performances at their first tournament ~ Lincoln brought home silver and both lead matches with attacks. They also agreed to an exhibition match to give another pair of judoka a break. A most excellent showing!

Warm thanks and appreciation to Joseki Dojo for all the hard work that went in to putting on such a fantastic experience!

Spokane Judoka, we could not be more proud of you!!

2023 Rainier Cup

Marigold and Aries did us proud this weekend!

Both fought hard and showed excellent Judo techniques and attitudes. Aries brought home the Bronze following two strong wins and some tough fights. Marigold just missed the Bronze to come in 4th in a very large division.

We are so proud of our competitors!!

Marigold and Aries with our Pacific Judo fam!
Aries takes Bronze!!😊