Here is the latest tournament schedule for the Pacific Northwest.
Category: schedule
December Thursday Night Fights (12/5)
This Thursday is that time again, December Thursday Night Fights!
(Previously known as Monday Night Fights).
We would love to see everyone from Joseki, Pacific, and Lakeland.
Everyone should arrive at 6:00 so we can mix adult and kid matches.
I realize this is the middle of the holiday season, but what better way to say Happy Holidays than by throwing someone.
Happy Thanksgiving
Practice will be canceled Thursday and Saturday this week. I am sure everyone will be busy eating!
We will see everyone on Monday and aim to take all that Thanksgiving indulgence off.
Upcoming Practice Schedule
Over the next couple of weeks, we have some schedule changes:
- Thursday, 10/24/2019 Pacific joining us for a joint practice. Kids and adult classes are at the regular times, there will just be more people.
- Saturday, 10/26/2019 Practice is cancelled due to a show at Rings-&-Things.
- Monday, 10/28/2019 Regular practice.
- Thursday, 10/31/2019 (Halloween) We are cancelling the kids class. We will have an adult practice from 6:00-8:30. Pacific is welcome to attend.
- Saturday, 11/2/2019 Katame No Kata Clinic all day.
Everything should be back to normal after that.
See everyone tomorrow.
Katame No Kata Clinic
Spokane Judo is hosting another kata clinic. This time it is Katame No Kata. The clinic will be conducted by Senseis Mike and Delynn Purcell, two of the
best kata instructors in the United States. Sensei Mike Purcell has been teaching
kata for forty years – he is a USA Judo Class A Kata Judge in all seven Kodokan Kata. Sensei Delynn Purcell is a World Master’s Grand Champion, Pan-American
Judo Union Silver Medalist, USA National Kata Champion, and Fukuda Grand Champion.She is Kodokan-certified in Ju No Kata, and a USA Judo Class A Kata Judge
in all seven Kodokan kata.
We would love to see everyone there on Nov. 2.
If you want to prepare, there is a link to a video here.
The information is 2019 Katame No Kata Clinic
and the waiver is here.
If you have any questions, please contact Brett Lewis.
Latest Tournament Schedule
This is the latest tournament schedule. The Continental Crown is on Nov. 10 ( a Sunday). I don’t have any additional info yet.
Tournament Schedule 2019.10.14>
Practice over Labor Day
Just a reminder, we will have practice this weekend.
Saturday from 9:00-11:00 and Monday from 6:00-8:00 for adults only.
We will have kids practice again on Thursday when we are back to our regular schedule.
Have a nice long weekend
Latest Tournament Schedule
Here is the latest tournament schedule for the Pacific Northwest.
Tournament Schedule 2019.08.16
No Practice this Saturday
This Saturday we have to cancel practice. Rings-&-Things is having an event.
See everyone Monday.
A couple of upcoming events
I have recently received info about a couple of upcoming events.
Neil Adams, MBE, in Lakewood on August 11
A great Judo summer continues…
Neil Adams, MBE, will make a stop on his 2019 Pacific Tour at Ippon Dojo, 9715 Lakewood Drive SW, Lakewood, WA
on August 11, 2019.
Registration for Juniors, $30, 11am to 11:30am for 12pm to 1:30pm session
Registration for Seniors, $50, 1pm to 1:30pm for 2pm to 4pm session
Make sure your membership is up to date to attend this big event!
The Shiai
Portland Judo hosts a series of monthly tournaments which this year is entirely newaza.
The web site describes these tournaments as:
Portland Judo proudly presents THE SHIAI. A series of monthly USJF sanctioned Judo tournaments in Portland, Oregon with you the competitor in mind. Our
goal is to run a tournament with an in-house vibe, coupled with an open gym feel. Get tournament experience, make some new friends, and be done in a couple
of hours.
In 2018, we tested a few “Newaza Only” tournaments and the response was very positive. Keeping with our progressive vision of Judo, we decide to dedicate
the entire 2019 Shiai Series to “Newaza Only”. Referees will be instructed that as a newaza only event, the tori will be afforded a little more time than
usual to show progress and develop their techniques.
During shimewaza and kansetsuwaza techniques, the tori will be afforded more time for their technique to be applied effectively – giving them an opportunity
to practice adjusting to finish the technique properly instead of a quick matte due to little or no effectiveness.
At Portland Judo, we love to keep things simple, but most of all, we love to laugh and play… a lot. We realize not everyone is gunning for the next Nationals
and could use a non-intimidating environment to experience a live match. New competitors who are still stumbling through the tournament rules can use this
as a study session. This tournament is also a great launching pad for future referees and scorekeepers.
Do not miss this! The SHIAI – Play hard, learn something, go home better.
The entry form for the next event held on 7/28 is here.
(thanks to Hal for pointing this out)