Battle by the Lake Tournament

Battle by the Lake Judo Tournament 2025

Lakeland Judo and Viking Judo invite you to our 2025 Battle by the Lake Judo Tournament! American Judo Shiais are the perfect place for any judoka looking to gain experience in a competitive yet friendly tournament atmosphere. Our developmental tournament offers both novice and open division to offer as many equitable and/or challenging matches as possible, so you can get the most out of your experience. With a modified rule set in place, everyone is sure to have a positive tournament experience.

Tournament Details:

Date: April 12, 2025

* 7:00am Doors will Open

* 8:00am Referee and Coaches Meeting

* 8:45am Opening Ceremonies

* 9:00am Competition Begins
Location: Coeur d’Alene High School
5530 N. 4th St. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815

Format: Modified Double Elimination or Round Robin for 5 or Less
All competitors must compete in their own age and weight division prior to competing in additional division(s). All competitors are guaranteed 2 matches. All uncontested divisions will have the opportunity to move their division to get the maximum amount of matches or receive a refund.

* Competitors must show current membership in either USJF – USJA – USA Judo – Judo Canada

Registration and Fee:
* Regular Registration: $55 for one division / $25 for additional divisions

* Online registration ends at 11:59pm Tuesday, April 8, 2025

* No walk-ins and no exceptions.

* Contestants that choose to compete in two or more divisions can either compete up one weight class in their age division, or compete up one age division at the same or similar weight. Novice judoka may compete up in rank.

More info and registration

Want to get current on the new rules for 2025?

Several weeks ago there was a clinic held on the West side to update everyone in the judo community on the updated competition rules for 2025.
Two of the senseis from Pacific Judo, Sam Yamada and Paul Ziegman, attended that event and Pacific Judo is going to have a session next Saturday, 2/1 from 10:00-12:00 to share what they learned.
Anyone who is interested learning about the rules should attend.
The details are:
Where: Spokane Police Academy, 2302 N Waterworks St, Spokane, WA 99212
When: Feb 1 from 10:00-12:00

Post from Pacific Judo

I received the below from Pacific Judo. As they are kind enough to be hosting our players for an indefinite period we would like to support them as much as possible.

Happy Monday,

Hope you all had a nice weekend.

As we gear up for promotions and year end potluck, we would like to have a parent meeting at the dojo on Tuesday, June 4th, during the kids class. The purpose of this meeting is to go over some of the club’s expectations, promotions, upcoming October tournament, etc. It will be a short meeting and I hope everyone can make it.

Adult judo players, we would love to have you join us at this meeting as well. If you can make the meeting at 6pm, it would be much appreciated since we will be relying on our senior judo players to help out at our annual tournament in October.

Upcoming Lakeland Judo Events

From Lakeland Judo:

In an effort to grow judo, Lakeland Judo in Athol, Idaho (just behind Silverwood Theme Park) is offering two introductory events in December in preparation
for our upcoming 2024 tournament season.
On December 2, 2023 we will be offering a referee and rules clinic and table help clinic. This clinic will be taught by Rome Acopan Jr. from the Intermountain
Yudanshakai. This clinic is intended for judoka 13+ and orange+ for the purpose of better understanding the rules as well as developing a Jr. and Sr. Referee
team for the East Side of WA State. Attending Judoka will be given the opportunity to test for their regional referee certification.
On December 16, 2023 we will be offering a smaller two mat tournament focused on developmental competition. We will run two mats for time progression,
but will focus on a more “intimate” and “instructional” design. Our mission is to host a low stress, fun tournament where newer judoka and some more experienced
judoka along with their parents can meet others and learn the systems of a judo tournament with the intensity of upcoming regional and/or national events.
The tournament is open to all ages! My high school program is full of new white belts and my dojo is young in age and rank but growing strong. Both are
excited to meet new judo friends and attend an instructional event with sound, equal competitors.
We hope you are all able to join us. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the events.
Warm Regards
Jenn Schoo-Badertscher
Lakeland Judo
Viking Judo
Introductory Judo Referee Clinic

Next Champion Registration

More information

Introductory Judo Referee Clinic Handout

Next Champion Judo Tournament