Just a reminder of the change in monthly dues starting in September.
Individual memberships are now $40/mo and family memberships are now $50/mo.
Thanks to everyone for paying your dues on time.
Kata Community zoom discussion and practice
This might be interesting to some club members.
Topic: Kata Community zoom discussion and practice
Time: First Saturday of each month. 11:00 ET, 10:00 CT, 9:00 MT, 8:00 PT, 5:00 HT. 1.5 hours. 11:00 – 12:30
September 4, 2021 – Nage no kata
October 2, 2021
November 6, 2021
December 4, 2021
January 8, 2022 (the 1st technically is the first Saturday but we will use the 8th)
February 5, 2022
March 5, 2022
April 2, 2022 …
Requested participants: judges, coaches, competitors, instructors, kata practitioners
Goals; increase general knowledge of kata, improve understanding of IJF scores, increase kata community collective kata knowledge
Meeting format:
– critique / discuss one kata per session. With monthly sessions,we will be able to cover each kata twice in a year.
– watch a kata with know IJF-judges scores, and share the scores
– watch a second kata and everyone scores
– watch second kata with a pause at each technique for discussion
– planning on having a google form for scoring, similar to Kozlowski’s clinic
D Tamai Jackson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
This is a recurring meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 566 043 9805
Passcode: kata1882
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,5660439805#,,,,*72825331# US (Washington DC)
+19294362866,,5660439805#,,,,*72825331# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 566 043 9805
Passcode: 72825331
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kf0mpVDYl
KXLY New Story on Masking
Here is the KXLY story on judo and the mask mandate. Thank you to Pacific Judo for coming and helping make this a success. If you haven’t watched the story, here it is.
See everyone with masks on Saturday.
Updated Mask Guidance
After a more careful reading of the DOH order, it looks like we all need to wear masks while working out.
The order gives some exceptions to the mask order but it specifically says:
“This exception does not apply while the athlete, coach, or official is not actively engaged in the sporting, coaching, or officiating activity or to indoor gyms and other fitness facilities, such as dance, yoga, and martial arts facilities”
So put on a mask and come and workout (we will be adjusting practice to make this easier).
Practice with Pacific tomorrow 8/26
Just a reminder that Pacific will be joining us tomorrow. KXLY is sending a reporter to ask us about the impact on us of the new mask mandate. I hope to see everyone there.
Updated Mask Policy PLEASE-READ
Spokane Judo community:
As you know, the Department of Health updated the statewide mask policy last week (8/18). It went into effect yesterday (Monday, 8/23).
Here is the link for those wanting to see the Department of Health announcement:
link to DOH Update
The important guideline related to contact sports was an exception to the mask requirement for indoor athletes:
NO MASKS NEEDED FOR “…Athletes who play indoor sports and who are actively engaged in competition or practice (masks are still required on sidelines and in team meetings).”
What does this mean for Spokane Judo?
- Until the policy changes, we all must wear masks before practice starts and when practice ends (this includes laying out/picking up mats). NO MASKS NEEDED ON THE MAT ONCE PRACTICE STARTS.
- Family members and visitors who are not practicing must also wear masks (kids under 5 do not need to wear masks).
We know this is a hassle.
Our goal is to stay open. Let’s all work together to avoid being closed down.
Hopefully this will be over soon.
Thank you for your help in keeping Spokane Judo open!
News Story
KHQ came to the dojo on Thursday and did a very nice story about judo in general.
I wanted to thank everyone for coming out and making the club look good.
Thank you also to all the Pacific Judo members that made the story a success.
Here is a link to the actual story.
I thought it came out great!
Hope to see everyone Thursday!
This Thursday there is a reporter coming to do a story on judo. Hopefully lots of you can come. The more people on the mat the better. I have also invited Pacific Judo to come and workout with us. Try to come early for the adult class (7:00 instead of 7:30).
Hope to see everyone there!
July 4th Weekend Practice
Just a reminder, we will have practice July 3rd at 9:00. We will not have practice July 5th as the building is closed for the 4th.
If I don’t see you Saturday morning, see everyone Thursday night at practice!
Quick Reminder
Just a reminder that there will be no practice today, Memorial Day.
We will see everyone Thursday on the mat. Have a nice long weekend.