Promoting students is always my favorite part of teaching judo.
This time it was particularly memorable for two reasons.
First, this was the first set of promotions after the pandemic – these promotions had been waiting for more than a year. Second, three of these promotions are for shodan and above and these are always special as they represent milestones in the development of one’s judo.
Starting Kids Practice
We had a great first week of practice for adults. Now it is time to get kids back on the mat.
So the schedule will be:
- Kids class is Mon/Thurs from 6:30-7:30.
- Adult class is Mon/Thurs 7:30-9:00-.
- Everyone must be registered with the USJF, you can register on-line at USJF.
See everyone tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the day!
May 3rd is the day we get back on the mat.
a few things to remember:
- Practice is at 6:30.
- Adults only for the first week.
- We have to wear masks during practice, this is WA state rule!
- You must register with the USJF before coming on the mat.
- You should get vaccinated, the sooner we are all vaccinated the sooner the mask requirement will go away.
See everyone tomorrow.
Spokane Judo Re-Opening Plans
You need to be current with USJF.
You need to bring proof (digital card/receipt) you are current if you renew after April 30th.
Practice opens Monday, May 3rd – Adults only, practice starts at 6:30.
Practice beginning Monday, May 10th – Kids from 6:30-7:30; Adults only, 7:30-9.
Brett met with Chris from Lilac City Fit Body Boot Camp; Allen talked to James Weed (Newborn Jiu Jitsu). Based on these conversations, here is what we need to do:
- Wait in cars or line up outside the building until 6:30.
- Masks are required to enter the Dojo. No mask, no entry.
Regrettably, masks must be worn at all times – even when practicing on the mat.
Sadly yes, we will practice wearing masks. I know.
This is in accordance with WA state guidelines and follows James Weed’s practice. WA state guidelines are linked on our site; relevant sections can be found on page 8. - Temperatures will be taken upon entry. People with temps over 100 won’t be admitted.
- You will initial an attendance log indicating you have no CoVID symptoms and have not been around sick people. At some point, we’ll have a QR code we can scan.
- You’ll hand sanitize upon entering the dojo.
- If you can come in your gi, great. You can use the locker room, but only to quickly change (no visiting after practice in the locker room).
- After practice we need to wipe down mats with an alcohol solution.
Other matters: Promotions from last spring will be held on Thursday, May 20th.
Email or Call Sensei Brett: 509-995-6434
USJF reopening dojos seminar
Hello Everyone,
Here is a link to a dojo re-opening Interactive Workshop next Saturday, May 1, 2021, at 1500 pacific time.
2021 USJF Presidentts Announcement May 1Meeting to discuss re-opening
Monday, 4/19, at 7:00 I would like to have a meeting to talk about re-opening judo.
Hopefully everyone is getting vaccinated and we can get back on the mat!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
Meeting Link
Here is a link for the meeting.
This is Google Meet.
You will need a Google account.
Google Meeting
Some related links for info on reopening
USJF hosting Zoom meeting on re-opening
On Sunday, April 11, at 1:00pm – 2:30pm (Pacific), USJF will host “USJF Dojo: Re-start of Judo” zoom meeting. USJF will share the USJF strategic plan to help the dojo sensei’s re-start teaching Judo. The focus will be on providing resources and guidance to existing and new dojos in giving their members a positive experience during this re-start of Judo.
Topics to include
Spectrum: Recreational – Competitive, Preparing to Re-open, Working with Parents,
and Curriculum: Where do I start?
Zoom workshop
April 11, at 1:00pm – 2:30pm (Pacific) , “USJF Dojo: Re-start of Judo”
Meeting ID: 821 3257 2343
Passcode: 671303
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82132572343#,,,,*671303# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,82132572343#,,,,*671303# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 821 3257 2343
Passcode: 671303
Latest info from the USJF
I wanted to pass on the latest information regarding COVID and re-opening from the USJF.
Below are some documents I received last week.
Please take a look.
Pandemic Judo Workout for 2/11
Ok, it is Thursday and time for another episode of Pandemic Judo.
Hopefully everyone is still keeping up at home!
Pandemic Judo workout for 2/8
OK, keeping the tradition alive!
This is week 3 of our pandemic judo workouts.
Who else will post their doing the workout?