OK, it is Thursday and time for another workout!
Mike and sons are the most consistent so far.
I don’t want to call out any slackers by name so… Others need to step it up!
Pandemic Judo Workout for 2/1
OK, since people watched the workout last week (and Mike, Jason, and Zack did it) I will continue to post new ones.
So, here it is for tonight.
Enjoy and please upload videos of you doing the workout.
Square Invoices
sorry to everyone who received an invoice from Spokane Judo this morning.
We are not charging dues at this point. Just ignore the invoices that were sent.
If you had a card on file and were charged, I will sort it out this evening.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Update I have cancelled all invoices for Spokane Judo. Please let me know if you keep receiving bills from us. Also, anyone who had their card on file with us and was mistakenly billed, should all now be refunded.
We are not charging dues at this point. Just ignore the invoices that were sent.
If you had a card on file and were charged, I will sort it out this evening.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Update I have cancelled all invoices for Spokane Judo. Please let me know if you keep receiving bills from us. Also, anyone who had their card on file with us and was mistakenly billed, should all now be refunded.
a little workout to get ready for our return to the mat (this year I hope)
Sensei Anna Marie and I recorded this so all criticism please kept to your self.
Upcoming virtual events
This isn’t judo as normal, but…
Hello Sensei,
I am the chair of the USJF COVID-19 Ad Hoc committee and our committee’s goals are to promote and increase access to quality judo, expand the judo community, and raise funds to support dojos. We are the coordinators of the
COVID-19 Support Grant and want to continue to be a resource for our community. In an effort to fulfill this mission, in the coming weeks, we will be encouraging people to donate for the Open Mat events on our
community website. However, our first priority is to provide access to quality judo and
we ask that you share about our event and freely provide the link/password to your membership! IF you would like to donate to this event, please visit the USJF Community website events page.
Our next event is on Wednesday, Oct 28th at 5:00pm Pacific Time with Arash Soofiani.
Click to JOIN the Open Mat Zoom Class: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87831078868?pwd=Nnk4VFJwQmxXc1A1M3VQS2k2SkNJQT09
Meeting ID: 878 3107 8868
Passcode: USJF
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87831078868#,,,,,,0#,,795528# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,87831078868#,,,,,,0#,,795528# US (Houston)
In addition, below are a couple of upcoming virtual events hosted by our community that we encourage you to attend!
East Bay Judo Institute is hosting a virtual presentation
“The Judo Paradox: Reckless Judo or Reckless Teaching?” by Dr. Michel Brousse THIS Sunday, October 18th at 7:00 am Hawaii, 9:00 am Pacific, 12:00 pm Eastern.Contact Sensei Sayaka Torra at info@ebji.org to register.
Kokushi Midwest Judo is hosting a
Nihon no Sensei clinic with Masahiro Takamatsu on Saturday, November 14th at 5:00 pm Pacific, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm Eastern.Click on the link to register: https://sparkpages.io/cart/2/?i=FS6&c=&ocu=Feel free to post the flyers and share the links with your members! Please let us know if you have any questions.Sincerely,Krista Tsutsui SteeleUSJF Social Media & COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee