Judo Gear, Stocking caps – order now!

The store selling the shirts and jackets will be closing on March 10th. The estimated delivery date to us is March 26th. We plan on delivering them to the dojo at practice March 29th. Once the store is closed, it probably will be sometime in the fall before we reopen it. If you plan to wear any Spokane Judo apparel to either Washington State, to Inland Empire Tournaments, or over the summer, now is the time to get it!
The store link is here.

Spokane Judo Club is also now selling knitted stocking caps, with Spokane Judo Club professionally embroidered on them. Caps are $15 and come in the following colors: Athletic Red, Athletic Oxford (Gray), Athletic Green, Athletic Purple, Navy, Black, and Neon Pink. Available thread colors are: Red, Black, White, Gray, and Oriental Gold. Caps and threads may be mixed and matched in different combinations, however, only one cap color and one thread color may be picked per cap.

Examples of the colors and the order forms are posted on the wall at the dojo. This store will be closing on March 15th. That means that all the orders will need to be turned in, and prepaid to the club by the 15th. When the order is delivered to us, we will deliver it to the dojo. Once we have a proposed delivery date, we will pass it on.

2019 WA State Championships

Register on-line here!.

When: Saturday, April 13, 2019

Where: Coeur d’Alene High School
5530 N 4th St,
Coeur d’Alene, ID

The entire packet is here.

Everyone should compete. This is close by and a good competition opportunity.
You should note that all competitors need blue and white gis.
Also, as usual, the club will cover your entry fee.

You need to register: here.

63rd Annual Obukan Judo Shiai and Kata / Onchi Sensei Memorial Tournament

This is a bit of a drive, but it is usually a larger tournament with people you haven’t competed against.
The entire entry packet is here.
Tournament date: Kata: Friday, March 22, 2019
Shiai: Saturday, March 23, 2019
Contestants must be an amateur athlete and must have a current USJF card, USA Judo or USJA
membership and present card.
Tournament Site: PCC Cascade Campus Gym, 600 N. Killingsworth St.
Portland. OR 97217
Competition Start:
3/22 Friday: Kata starts at 6:00 PM,
3/23 Saturday: Shiai starts at 9:00 AM

Shiai: Registration (on or before Thursday March 21st): Enter tournament on-line at obukanjudo.org by March 21, 2019.
Present printed and signed waiver form and copy of NBG card to satellite weigh-in. Entry fee is $40 for the first division and $20 for an additional division. Fee includes Eventbrite fee.
Walk Up Registration (Friday March 22nd ONLY): Walk up registration and weigh in only allowed on March 22nd, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the venue. Walk up entry fee is $80 for the first division and $50 for an additional division.
Kata: Registration (on or before Thursday March 21st): Enter tournament on-line at obukanjudo.org by March 21, 2019. Bring printed and signed waiver form and copy of NGB card to venue.
Entry fee is $60 per team for each kata. Teams can enter up to three kata. Nage no Kata, Katame no Kata and Ju. Walk up Kata registration only allowed on March 22nd, prior to competition start.

3rd East Side Circuit Tournament

This Sunday is the third East Side Tournament. This one is out at the Hub.
If you are competing (and everyone should) you need to do the following:

  1. You need to register on-line by Wednesday night here.
  2. Print out and complete the entry form and waiver.
    Entry form is here
    Waiver is here.
  3. You need to include a copy of your USJF card with your entry
  4. Bring the completed entry form, waiver, and copy of your USJF card to weigh-in at the club on Thursday evening.
  5. The club will cover the first entry fee. If you are competing in additional divisions, you will need to cover the $20 for the additional division.

The tournament location is:
Hub Sports Center
, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave.
Liberty Lake, WA 99016
You should plan on arriving no later than 8:30.
Any questions, feel free to contact me here.

Spokane Judo Apparel Again Available

Spokane Judo apparel is all due to the tireless efforts of John Freeman (Myles dad).
Without him we wouldn’t have any clothing.
In John’s words:

Spokane Judo Club currently has our store open until March 10th for club apparel

The very first things that Sensei Brett and I discussed and agreed on, before we did anything with regard to finding a provider for Spokane Judo gear was that:
1) We do things honorably
2) We stay true to the Judo Spirit
3) This is about getting the club’s name out.

Wearing this gear will not change you from Clark Kent to Superman. However, if you ask anyone that wears fight swag of any kind, they will tell you that it will make you more interesting to others, and will introduce you to some very interesting people. You will be surprised how many old Judokas, and other Martial Arts people that are out there. I can say these things from personal experience.
This gear is exclusive to the club. You can go anywhere and buy Nike or any other workout gear, but this is the only place to get Spokane Judo Club Apparel. All of the apparel that we are selling is quality gear, or we wouldn’t be selling it. Our gear is designed to be functional, for both workout, or every day wear.
Currently we are selling:

  • short sleeve shirts
  • long sleeve shirts
  • ¼ zip workout tops
  • full zip workout tops
  • hoodies
  • decals

Everything has the Spokane Judo Club Competition Patch as the symbol. The hoodies, and both styles of shirts have a Maori Proverb written on the back. The competition patch is only given to people after they have competed. However, anyone family or friend can purchase our gear.
All of this is available thru
this link.

Coming soon, stocking caps with Spokane Judo Club embroidered on them.

Budokan Tournament, April 20

Tournament Information:
Date: Saturday, April 20, 2019
Location: Kentridge High School
12430 SE 208th St.
Kent, Washington 98031
Check-In/ Weigh-In: 7:30-8:00 AM (Kata), 7:30-9:00 AM (Jrs.), 8:00-11:30 AM (Srs.)
Starting Time: Kata starts at 8:30 AM
Junior shiai starts at 9:30 AM
Senior shiai starts at 1:00 PM
Entry Fee: Junior and Senior divisions US$40.00 for first division and
US$20.00 for each additional division. Kata divisions
US$40.00 per participant for first Kata and US$20.00 per
participant for each additional kata.
Register on-line by April 17, 2019. For shiai entries, register online
here by 10:00 PM Wednesday April 17, 2019. For kata entries email entry
information to budokanseattle@gmail.com by 10:00 PM Wednesday, April 17, 2019.
The entry form is here.

18th Annual High Mountain Open Judo Championship

Saturday, Mar. 2nd 2019 @ 9:30am MST
McCall-Donnelly High School, 401 N Mission St, McCall, ID 83638
This is usually a good tournament. It is a bit of a drive, but it is a chance to compete against people you normally don’t see.
You need to register on-line by 5:00 on Feb. 27. The club will reimburse the entry fee (the second division is no cost).
The information and registration is here