Come to judo on Jan 4 and catch up on all the pushups you missed over the holidays.
Remember, all that weight you put on will help make the pushups more fun!
See everyone tomorrow at 6:30.
Happy New Year
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year. I hope to see everyone on the mat on Wednesday Jan 4 to start the new year with the best sport ever (judo in case anyone missed that).
The Center is closed Monday Jan 2 so no practice then, just make sure to come on Wednesday!
No Practice Monday
The comunity center is closed on Monday 12/26. We will have practice on Wednesday 12/28 so everyone should be there. Come and work off the holiday dining!
Merry Christmas!
Holiday Party (the day after)
I just wanted to thank everyone who came yesterday to the party. It was great to see people off the mat and have a little time to talk about things other than judo. It was also nice to meet and talk with the non-judo family members. Hopefully we can convince some of them to join us on the mat!
(and don’t forget all the secret judo techniques we covered!)
10th Annual Holiday Party
This years holiday party is coming up fast. We would love to have everyone there. If you haven’t been able to come in a while this is the perfect opportunity to come back!
When: Saturday, 12/17/2016 3:00-6:00
Where: Brett & Anna Marie’s house (2515 E 39th AVE)
What: Judo related discussion, videos, and food (and did I mention the food!). This is a good time to talk up all the times you got that amazing throw that everyone missed. And as a bonus, we will be teaching all of the secret judo techniques to defeat all the people who aren’t there!
We want everyone to come: if you are an active member, we want you; if you haven’t come in a while, we want to see you; members of Pacific, please come; family members and friends, please come.
We will provide some food, if you want to bring something to share, feel free but it isn’t required (unless your are Sensei Oleg who must bring food).
3rd Annual Pacific Northwest Kata Championship
Seiwakan Judojo and Shudokan Judo Dojo are presenting this competition. The competition is on Saturday, Dec. 17 in Portland. The competition is in the afternoon and a kata workshop is held in the morning. Novices are encouraged to attend.
The entry form is here.
Come and workout before Thanksgiving!
Just a reminder, we do have practice tonight. I hope everyone will be there.
Judo is there to help you meet the challenge of Thanksgiving dinner with a caloric deficit!
Just some general news
Just a few unrelated things.
First, we have another new member, Adam. Glad to have him on the mat
Second, last weekend was the Continental Crown tournament in Seattle. Allen went as a referee and passed his test to be a national ref! He can now work as a referee at national tournaments. This is a huge benefit to our club as we now have a current and accurate source of information on the latest rule changes. So any questions we have, Allen is the go to guy!
Finally, at the Continental Crown, Myles Freeman took 2nd in two separate divisions. More importantly, he won his first match with an arm bar! There is always something satisfying about making someone tap out.
No Practice Halloween
The community Center is using the gym for a Halloween event on Monday, so there will be no practice that day. Everyone have a good weekend and Halloween and we will see everyone on Wednesday Nov. 1 at the usual time.
Also, I am really glad to see our new members sticking with judo, it is hard and most people don’t have the discipline to keep coming!
Congratulations on their Promotions!
We have had a lot going on lately, but I have not forgotten!
I am pleased to announce the following promotions. Everyone here exhibited their ability to work hard. Mastery of the techniques is definitely progressing.
Judo just takes a long time to get good.
- Myles Freeman
- Callista Behm
- Ben Mitchell
- Bayden Serr
- Valentine Accursio
- Liberty Accursio
- Zion Accursio
- Caleb Lefcort
- Alaina Gott