2016 Continental Crown

This is usually a great tournament with lots of divisions.
The email regarding this tournament is below:

Referees, Sensei’s, Coaches, Athletes and Parents,The Northwest Judo Yudanshakai and Washington State Judo, Inc., would like to invite you to participate in the 2016 Continental Crown Championships, to be held October 28 & 29, 2016, in Seattle, Washington.
This is a Level “E” Tournament & National Referee Examination / Recertification Site.
USJF 2016 Fall MeetingsContact USJF email no@usjf.com
Referee Clinic:7 PM Friday, October 28, 2016, at the Doubletree
Hotel Seattle Airport. Coaches encouraged to attend. Fee $25
Weigh in:5 PM to 8 PM, Friday October 28, 2016. For All Athletes.
Blue & White Judo Gi’s are REQUIRED for ALL Competitors Juniors and Seniors.
Entry Form is available on the web at: www.continentalcrownjudo.com
Referees planning on attending this event please contact Mr. Harold Yamada, IJF Continental Referee yamadadojo@hotmail.com

The entry packet is here.

Introductory Judo Referee Seminar

On Saturday August 27, Budokan dojo is hosting an introductory class for referees. This is a good opportunity for anyone who want to become a referee to learn about refereeing in general and practice being a referee with constructive feedback.
The clinic starts with registration at 9:30 and finishes at 2:30.
The cost is $35 including lunch.
I encourage everyone to attend.
The entry form is here.