Just a note to remind everyone that practice will be back on the normal schedule on Monday 1/25).
I am really out of shape from the quiet week, I hope all of you aren’t.
See everyone Monday.
Class next week
Just some reminders about class next week.
On Monday Jan. 18, the center is closed for the MLK holiday so we have no practice.
On Wednesday Jan. 20, we have our women’s self defense class. The class is from 6:00-9:00. This means that our regularly scheduled practice won’t be held. We do need all our high school aged and adult members to come and help run the self defense class.
We will be back on our normal schedule starting on Jan. 25.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone making it to class. Having all of you there makes practice the great experience it was this week.
Class next week
Just some reminders about class next week.
On Monday Jan. 18, the center is closed for the MLK holiday so we have no practice.
On Wednesday Jan. 20, we have our women’s self defense class. The class is from 6:00-9:00. This means that our regularly scheduled practice won’t be held. We do need all our high school aged and adult members to come and help run the self defense class.
We will be back on our normal schedule starting on Jan. 25.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone making it to class. Having all of you there makes practice the great experience it was this week.
Reminder: Free Introductory Judo Class Monday
Just a reminder that we are offering a free introductory judo class on Monday Jan. 11.
All our current members:
We need everyone’s help to make this class a success.
please bring any old/extra gis you have for the new people to use.
Let’s hope we get a number of new members.
Forms for upcoming Spokane Judo events
We have two events coming up to help promote Spokane Judo. The first is a free introductory class on judo offered on Jan. 11. The flyer for this is here.
The second is a women’s self defense class taught by Rich Gere on Jan 20. The flyer for this class is here.
We need all our current members to help promote both these events and to help make these events a success. Please distribute this information to anyone you know that might be interested. I can also provide paper copies of these flyers to anyone who needs them. Thanks for everyone’s assistance with getting the word out for both these events.
Happy New Year
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year from Spokane Judo.
I hope everyone had a good holiday.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the mat on Monday!
Cassidy Freeman Fights Like a Girl
This is one of the best things about teaching judo, getting to work with exceptional people.
Take a look: video here.
Practice as usual over the holidays
Just a reminder that we are having practice as usual over the next couple of weeks. Please come and get in some workouts! We need you there and given how much we all like to eat, you need to be there!
Holiday Party: The Aftermath
I wanted to thank everyone for coming to the party Saturday. I enjoyed getting a chance to connect with everyone off the mat. We always workout together, but it is nice to let everyone showcase their non-judo personalities.
Now I just need a way to incorporate pushups into the event!
I was also very pleased to get an opportunity to present Elijah Lopez with his much deserved promotion to White/Yellow belt. Hopefully we will see him again at practice soon.
2015 Spokane Judo Holiday Party
Mark your calendars! The date for the 2015 Spokane Judo Holiday party has been selected! The party will be
When: Saturday, 12/12/2015 3:00-6:00
Where: Brett & Anna Marie’s house (2515 E 39th AVE)
What: Judo related discussion, videos, and food. Come and talk about the time you almost threw Sensei Oleg. Or the time you almost arm barred Aleksi!
We would like to see everyone, if you haven’t been to practice in a while, this is the perfect opportunity to come back. If you are just a visitor from Pacific, come and join in. We want everyone and their friends. If you are one of the new people, definitely come.
If you want to bring something to share, feel free but it isn’t required.