Saturday Swimming!

Sadly Saturday judo is no more but as an alternative this Saturday, 6/27 we have swimming at my house.
We want everyone to attend. If you have been too lazy to come to practice, swimming is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with all of us in judo. If you have been out because of a rib injury, come and regale us with stories of the pain of sleeping on your back. Basically, just come.
Any of the Pacific judo members are also welcome as you guys are regulars at Spokane Judo practices and you should be part of swimming as well.

My house is here:

Bring something to eat or drink and sunscreen.
Please come around 2:00. The weather forecast says it will be 99°.
Hope to see everyone there.

2015 Inland Empire Judo Classic Results

Everyone from Spokane Judo did a nice job at the tournament. Competition is not like practice and you really can’t explain to those that haven’t done it.
You should all take pride in yourselves for getting out there!

  • 1st

    • Cassidy Freeman (15/16 Lt. wt. division)
    • Cassidy Freeman (Senior Novice Division)
  • 2nd

    • Kento Nakamura (Brown/Black heavy wt.)
    • Callista Behm (11/12 Division)
    • Myles Freeman (11-12 boys)
  • 3rd

    • Cassidy Freeman (Brown/Black Lt. Wt. Division)
    • Lucas Lewis (11-12 boys)
    • Miles Lewis (9-10 boys)

2015 Inland Empire Judo Classic

This is the tournament put on by Pacific judo and it is here in town.
The date is 5/23/2015, the Saturday of Memorial day weekend.
I strongly urge everyone to compete. The travel time is nothing and you have two whole days to recover afterwards.
As I said on Monday, competition is a great way to test what you have learned.
The entry form is here.

The waiver is here.