Congratulations to Aleksi Lee on his 2 2nd place trophies. All that weight cutting is definitely worth it! To quote Aleksi, “who needs food when you have the sweet taste of victory”.
Congratulations on their Promotions
- Myles Freeman
- Ethan Reynolds
- Lucas Lewis
- Anthony Saley
- Arthur Saley
- Miles Lewis
- Callista Behm
I am continually proud of how much all of you are learning about judo.
59th Annual Obukan Judo Shiai & Kata / Onchi Sensei Memorial Tournament
The entry form is here.
We are
honored to announce the 59th Annual Obukan Judo Shiai & Kata / Onchi
Sensei Memorial Tournament
Saturday, April 4, 2015 from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM (PDT)
PCC Cascade Gym
600 N. Killingsworth St., Portland, OR 97217
Please Register here today:
Obukan want’s to be your player’s tournament. Making sure it
is fun and exciting experience for the players, coaches, families, referees and
all judo fans!
This year we’re trying some thing different. We are going to
have “Veterans/Masters” go right
before the juniors. Normally these are very small divisions but made up of the
dad’s & mom’s that brining their kids to compete, some coaches who compete,
referee’s that want to compete and some really good seasoned “Veterans/Master”. We want to let you all go first so the kids
can see your great exciting judo and let you all enjoy the rest of the
tournament with your family and friends!
Along with the “Veterans/Master”, we will also have Kata division, Juniors, Cadets and Seniors.
Special awards:
1. Best Technique
Award Juniors
2. Best Technique
Award Seniors
3. The Jocelyn Latka
Spirit Award for juniors
4. The Onchi Sensei
Spirit Award – For Coach, Referee, Senior
5. Onchi Scholarship
Award – High School Student award of $500
6. Fukushima Sensei
Kata Award – Spirit of Learning Kata
** Special pre
Tournament bow in performance by en Taiko
We look forward to
seeing you at our 59th tournament on April 4th in
beautiful Portland, Oregon!
Next year is even
bigger as it is our 60th tournament and 90th year since
the first person bowed onto the Obukan tatami. “Obukan 6090” in 2016!
Thank you all for
your fantastic support and participation in our wonderful sport of Judo!!
Gambatte Kudasai!!
Rod Conduragis
Obukan Judo Dojo
2015 Emerald City Judo Championships
The next tournament is the Emerald City Judo Championships on 3/21.
The entry packet is here.
You can register on-line at: online registration
14th Annual High Mountain Open Judo Championship (McCall Tournament) Results
- Myles Freeman (11-12 middle wt.)
- Cassidy Freeman (senior novice light wt.)
- Anna Marie Medina (senior brown/black light wt.)
- Aleksi Lee (senior brown/black light wt.)
- Myles Freeman (13-14 light wt.)
- Cassidy Freeman (15-16 light wt.)
- Miles Lewis (9-10 heavy wt.)
- Allen Monroe (senior brown/black super-heavy wt.)
Everyone had a good number of matches. I was pleased to see people winning with technique.
Congratulations to all who competed. It is truly hard to get out on the mat and fight.
The end of Saturday Practice (for now at least)
Since the Sheriff’s training center is closing we no longer have a venue for Saturday practice (I really appreciate Rich Gere arranging this for us while it lasted).
Pacific judo is having practice this Sunday if you need a judo workout over the weekend.
See everyone Monday.
Reminder: no practice tonight
The center is closed for Presidents day. Have a good day off and see everyone on Wednesday.
Saturday Practice
Just a note to let everyone know that we should be having practice on Saturday as usual.
I checked and we should be good for the next couple of weeks.
14th Annual High Mountain Open Judo Championship (McCall Tournament)
Saturday, March 7th 2015.
McCall Donnelly High School
401 N. Mission St.
McCall, ID 83638
Everyone should go.
The entry form is here.
MLK day, no Judo
The center is closed on Monday for the Martin Luther King holiday so practice is canceled.
It looks like there is a BJJ practice at Newborn Jiu Jitsu.
I don’t know what the cost is for the class but it would probably be fun.