I just wanted to congratulate Allen and Aleksi on their 3rd place medals. This should be good practice for the Crown in a couple of weeks.
2014 Continental Crown Hotel Rate
There is a special rate of $99/night for the tournament hotel for the Crown.
Anyone interested should make reservations by Saturday.
Tournament Hotel:
Doubletree Hotel
Phone 206-248-4330
Attn: Hola Mataele, Sales Manager
Special Rate $99
DEADLINE – SATURDAY, 11 October 2014!
No practice Saturday
We have Allen and Aleksi competing this weekend and since they are both regulars at Saturday practice, we are going to cancel practice this Saturday.
I am sure they are going to represent Spokane Judo well!
We want you back!
Attendance has been down lately.
We want you back!
We have Saturday practice back and there are some tournaments coming up.
The new mats are nice!
Come back and enjoy the softness!
2014 Continental Crown
The Continental Crown will be on November 8 in Seattle. This is usually a big tournament.
From the Continental Crown site:
“For many years the Continental Crown Judo Tournament has been a showcase event for judo athletes on the west coast of the United States. The Continental
Crown is a USA Judo Senior Class-E and Junior Class-D event, and consistently features some of the highest caliber judo players in the country. This year
we happily invite judo players from all over the Pacific Rim and the world to participate in the spirit of international friendship and competition. The
Continental Crown is located in Seattle Washington in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Seattle is the birthplace of Judo on the mainland of the United
States and it is our distinct honor to host such a prestigious judo event in our state.”
The site is here.
Registration info (either on-line or downloadable entry packet) is here.
The long awaited return of Saturday practice
We will have practice this Saturday (9/6) at 12:30. Just a reminder that practice is at the Sheriff training center.
Hope to see people there.
The long awaited return of Saturday practice
We will have practice this Saturday (9/6) at 12:30. Just a reminder that practice is at the Sheriff training center.
Hope to see people there.
No practice Labor day
Just wanted to let everyone know that the community center is closed on Monday September 1 for Labor day.
Enjoy the last weekend of the summer and we will see everyone on Wednesday Sept. 3 at the usual time.
Goodbye to Greg
Tonight is Greg Kvasov’s last practice, please come and get in your final throws!
2014 Rainier cup
This is a good tournament to start off the fall. I encourage everyone to attend. You can download the entry form here.
The tournament is October 11. On Sunday October 12, there will be a clinic from Michael Eldred. Don’t miss the chance to see and learn from a truly excellent judo player.